I believe that we should be opened to keep on learning new things so as not to get stuck in the road. I mean, life is full of wonders and we usually meet people who have great thoughts and life experience. . In this ocassion, Walter Rosenzwit, who is a well-known actor in the independent argentinian scene and actually my teacher of drama, focuses on drama and its benefits.
(just pay attention up to minute 1.30 the rest is explanation about his courses haha)
Hi everyone! I found this quite interesting because there are two different point of views about the silent way method. The discussion comes up between Rosylin, who is the woman explaning her own view about the silent way method and the way in which she puts into practice into the classroom, and Piers, the interviewer. She claims that Language is all about expression and not communication and then she supports this idea by saying that we (teachers) all create different mental images on our students' minds when using language and that may not be the one that the teacher wants to create at that moment .
So what do you think? When communicating something..Do our listeners create all the same mental image/s? and What do you think about working with emotions in the classroom?