lunes, 6 de mayo de 2019

                                                               Norway (winter time)

Hi there!
   It`s been months since the last time I posted something here.  I`ve been  travelling around scandinavian countries  learning their languages, music and cultural roots and I`ve also been working on a proyect called "self-sufficient gardens" in Wiltshire (South London). During the long journey, I`ve came across different types of  "Englishes" coming from all around the world ( Poland, China, Russia, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, France, Germany, Bulgary, Finland, etc..) and My jobs, all of which have been changing during the last four months, have been  shaping my own language too.

I strongly believe that language should be learned in contextualized situations. It should be real to life. There should be a useful purpose behind it so as to catch the learner`s attention . In addition to this,  there should be a relaxed atmosphere without pressures of any kind.I`m telling you this beacause  I`m experiencing it and I`m facing ups and downs during the process but it so funny!!
 In  upcoming  posts, I will be giving you details about the way I`m learning danish and how I put it into practice in my everyday routine.

Hugs from the other side of the world!  


jueves, 13 de septiembre de 2018

Bjork is an islander singer with a very natural particular way of thiking and in this interview she expresses her opinion about her cultural roots but at the same time, she points out the differences between islanders and american people. On the one hand, she says that icelanders are more thoughtful people and that they do not need to explain everything as americans do.
 Regarding second language, she feels a social distance (Acculturation) because, as she says, americans want to communicate things in a language that sometimes cannot be explained through words. 

viernes, 8 de junio de 2018

Pearl jam

Ok, end of the week! How do you feel after presentations and all that?.
I`m  ending up with one of my favourite bands. Pearl Jam! :)

Have a nice friday pipl!

and...                                     Keep on rocking in this fucking free world!


I believe that we should be opened to keep on learning new things so as not to get stuck in the road. I mean, life is full of wonders and we usually meet people who have great thoughts and life experience. . In this ocassion, Walter Rosenzwit, who is a well-known  actor in the  independent argentinian scene and actually my teacher of drama,  focuses on drama and its benefits.
(just pay attention up to minute 1.30 the rest is explanation about his courses haha)


Hi everyone! I found this quite interesting because there are two different point of views about the silent way method. The  discussion comes up  between Rosylin,  who is the woman explaning her own view about the silent way method and the way in which she puts into practice into the classroom, and Piers, the interviewer. She claims that Language is all about expression and not communication and then she supports this idea by saying that we (teachers) all create different mental images on our students' minds when using language and  that may not be the one that the teacher wants to create at that moment . 

So what do you think? When communicating something..Do our listeners create all the same mental image/s?  and What do you think about working with emotions in the classroom?


miércoles, 2 de mayo de 2018

About me...

 I am Hernan. First of all I want to say that I love travelling!
and that I am not doing it to find my self :P. In fact,  I already know part of me but I travel beacause I want to get more experience about other cultures, meet different people, learn different languages. Besides, it makes me see the world from a different perspective. I `m a dreamer  and I always pushes myself to achive the goals I have in life. I think that the aim of what I`m doing lays on working with art, language and social studies because the purpose is to show students (kids, teens, adults..) that there is another way to learn English. Learning by doing, learning by enjoying themselves.
I believe in nature as a wheel that never stops, it just flows. So  enriching myself as a person will also help me to be opened to new people's ideas and  thoughts. And when you comprehend nature and its changes you start comprehending people`s inner feelings. Remember that we cannot take nature apart in this process of learning because, in fact, we are part of it and of the universe.

To sum up! :)

I love trying new things, and living life to the fullest. I enjoy deep conversations over a glass of red wine.

I`m also a violinist and an actor (to be) who play and perform not only on the scenarios but also while delivering my classes.